Team GCROCK Roles & Commendations

Team GC

In this article I will be going over all of the roles in Team GCROCK and how they work. I will also list each commendation that Team GCROCK members can aim for, how to obtain them and what they mean.

Bear in mind that all members are screened before they are given a Team GCROCK role;

  • You must not have any admin warnings within our community in the last three months.
  • You must not have had any bans from the community revoked in the last twelve months.
  • You must be fairly active in our servers to some capacity so that we can see how you present yourself.
  • Once you have a role and commendations, these will all be taken away if you receive an admin warning or get banned.

Anyone given a Team GCROCK role will also receive the “SHD Agent” role in our main community server. If you lose your “SHD Agent” role you lose your Team GCROCK roles.

Team GC Roles

Team GC Recruit

This role is available to everyone that wants to start their journey with Team GCROCK and give back to the community. Before anyone can be accepted for the role they must farm a set of builds, these builds will make sure you are ready for any training and experience opportunities that will come up.

The list of builds will be available in my personal GCROCK Discord Server.

Once you have the builds you can request the Team GCROCK Recruit role. Once accepted you will receive access to our recruits section in my personal Discord.

Recruits are encouraged to LFG with each other and practice activities they are interested in doing together. These can be;

  • The Division 2 raids
  • The Division 2 incursions
  • The Division Legendary
  • The Division 2 Descent
  • (A separate recruits role for The Division 1 will come in time)

There will be a School of Rock section that has guides for all of your needs that you can use with other recruits to practice.

All recruits should also look out for experience opportunities and training sessions in their recruits section;

  • Team GCROCK Captains will post to recruits when they have spaces available to help the community and give you some experience.
  • Team GCROCK Trainers will post to recruits when they have training sessions set up to go more in depth with you.

The idea of the recruits system is that in time you will gain enough experience in the activity you want to support with. When you are ready there are a few ways that you can earn your full Team GCROCK role;

  • Team Captains might offer you a space in their team if they run with you enough.
  • Team Trainers will endorse commendations to you when you are experienced and confident enough.
  • If we have enough recruits all wanting to support with the same activity, I have a new team process where I get you all together for “Full Training” to turn you all into a team with a new team captain. The new team process is only available through myself.


The full Team GCROCK role is given once you earn your first commendation. This commendation will be added to your profile to let other members know what you have experience with.

  • With this role you will now have access to the rest of our commendations and you will have access to our Team GCROCK LFG. The LFG is for team members to get a team together to help our community, and you know you will have an experienced team with the right attitude. If you are confident enough to lead then you can look for a group or wait to answer somebody else.
  • When you are ready to help people you will have access to a general queue LFG channel in my personal server depending on what you are experienced with, or you can check out our pingable LFG channels in our main community server to pull people in.
  • There is so much more to learn and we advise members to carry on training and earning more commendations to unlock more access to help with other activities in the personal server. Some commendations come with ping access! Full Team GC members will have their own training channel.
  • As a Team GCROCK member you are able to endorse “GCROCK Community Server Commendations” for members that you help achieve them. To endorse a member you just need to send them a DM after you have helped them to confirm that they met the requirements of the commendation or which part. Members can then use your DM as evidence when they request it.

Remember that you are the face of Team GCROCK and our members experience is above all. Any help that you give to community members must be pleasant, positive and non-toxic.

Team GCROCK (Core)

This role is available to members that become full Team GCROCK members. Earning this role will give you access to my core LFG for when I stream and help with activities. Right now I am only set up for The Division 2 raids but in the future I will be adding a lot more activities and even The Division 1.

  • If you are interested in this role then you will find instructions in my personal discord and guides as to what will be expected from you.
  • There are 8 different roles to choose from for Dark Hours, and 8 different roles for Iron Horse.
  • Each of the roles come with their own builds that I need you to have and instructions as to what I will want you to do.
  • There will be video guides that you can watch before you even run with me.
  • Once you are confident you can do a role with for me I will add this core role to your profile and then you just need to wait for the opportunity to run with me.
  • Unfortunately there is no guarantee that our times will align but if they do you will have your chance.

I highly recommend that you read through my Stream Etiquette article before your first time with me. This explains a lot about how I want my streams to go. If I don’t enjoy having you in my streams or if you disrupt them then I won’t have you in again regardless of if you can do the roles or not.

  • During your first stream with me I will put you in a role that you want to do.
  • I will happily explain what I need from you as we go through.
  • If I feel you performed the role well I will reward you with the role commendation so I know you can do that job for me when you jump in again. It is okay if this takes a few streams and tries.
  • If you become a regular you can earn up to 16 role commendations across both of the raids and the more you are able to do, the more opportunities there will be to run with me.

Team GCROCK Captain

A Team GCROCK Captain is somebody that has a team of people at their disposal to help the community with activities. To earn this role you will need to have a voice meeting with myself where we will discuss the role;

  • Team Captains will have permissions to ping our queues in the activities that they can help with.
  • When team captains ping they must have a full experienced team ready to go with the center of attention being around the person they are helping.
  • Members will have the things they are interested in on their profiles and we should aim to get as much done for them as we can while they are in with us.
  • Every run must be pleasant, positive and non-toxic, even if you are running with members that are not in Team GCROCK.
  • Team Captains are in charge of their own teams and can request Team GCROCK roles for new members of your team. Anyone you request will still have to be screened first.
  • We can give you a team channel in my personal Discord Server if you want a space to communicate.
  • We encourage captains to use the Team GCROCK LFG, and the Team GCROCK Recruit LFG to offer people experience when you can.
  • Team GCROCK Captains are allowed to select one lieutenant to have ping access to our queues with them.
  • It is the Captains responsibility to ensure all help photos are shared in the main community server so we can keep track on the amount of people that we help.

Team GCROCK Trainer

A trainer is somebody that actively seeks to train our Team GCROCK members and recruits. You must have a voice meeting with myself to earn this role but once you have the role you are free to train how you want.

  • Trainers are the only people that can endorse “Team GC Commendations” with myself. It is important to only endorse commendations if you are happy that the member can perform the duty of the commendation.
  • All members must request commendation endorsement with trainers or myself through the endorse commendation channel.
  • Trainers should become familiar with the commendations and how they work.
  • Trainers can only endorse commendations that they also have.
  • As well as endorsing commendations trainers should actively set up training sessions for Team GCROCK and recruits to give them experience.
  • Trainers will have ping permissions in both of the training channels

Team GCROCK Commendations

Team GCROCK Commendations are endorsements that members can earn that appear on their profile to show what experience they have. Commendations will give members extra access to queue channels and in some instances the ability to use pings.

Endorsements can only be given by myself or Team GCROCK Trainers. There is an endorsement request channel in my personal Discord Server to make requests. The commendation list below will explain everything you need to know.

Team GCROCK (Core) Commendations

  • There are 16 commendations across both raids. 8 for Dark Hours and 8 for Iron Horse.
  • Each commendation is a role I use for each raid.
  • In my personal Discord Server there will be guides as to what builds I want you to have for each role, and what I expect from you for each role.
  • If you feel confident performing any of the 16 roles for me in live streams you can reach out and request access to my personal LFG channel.
  • I cannot guarantee our times will ever align but if they do you will have the chance to run with me and earn these commendations.
  • Members with these commendations will keep access to my LFG providing they keep the builds that I need and I enjoy streaming with them.
  • You cannot request these commendations through the endorsement request channel and must run with myself so I can personally give them to you.

The Division 2 Raid Commendations

  • Raid Experience: You must have satisfactory experience to do basic roles in both raids, you must know how to get all the raid keys and backpack trophies.
  • Blue Bears: You are able to shoot all 40 blue bears in Dark Hours without anyone helping you.
  • Gingerbread Men: You are able to shoot all 45 Gingerbread Men in Iron Horse without anyone helping you
  • Dark Hours Boss Patches: You understand how to complete all of the boss commendations in Dark Hours and can explain it to a team.
  • Iron Horse Boss Patches: You understand how to complete all of the boss commendations in Iron Horse and can explain it to a team.
  • Flawless Raids: You are able to stay alive and rarely go unconscious in both raids.
  • Raid Speedruns: You are aware of all speedrun strategies and have experience in raid speedruns.

The Division 2 Legendary Commendations

  • Legendary Experience: You have experience in Legendary missions and are confident helping any captains.
  • DUA Legendary: You are confident helping people with DUA and leading the run.
  • Roosevelt Legendary: You are confident helping people with Roosevelt Island and leading the run.
  • Capital Building: You are confident helping people with Capital Building and leading the run.
  • Manning Zoo: You are confident helping people with Manning National Zoo and leading the run.
  • Tidal Basin: You are confident helping people with Tidal Basin and leading the run.
  • Legendary Speedruns: You are aware of all legendary speedrun strategies and have experience in legendary speedruns.

The Division 2 Incursions

  • Paradise Lost Experience: You have experience in Paradise Lost and know all the basic mechanics.
  • Flawless Paradise Lost: You are confident with not going down on runs of Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost Collector: You know how to get all the collectibles for people in Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost Speedruns: You are aware of the speedrun strategies for Paradise Lost and have experience in them.

The Division 2 Descent

  • Descent Nemesis: You are confident to take people on Nemesis clears.
  • Flawless Descent: You are confident with leading a flawless Descent.
  • Loop 40 Endurance: You are confident helping people to complete 40 loops of Descent.

* All of these commendations come with ping permissions in their respective queues. You should only use the ping to help one person at a time from the queue and have an experienced team with you that you are confident with if needed.

The Division 1

  • Legendary Experience: You are confident with helping people in legendary missions.
  • Incursion Experience: You are confident with helping people in Incursions.
  • Flawless Experience: You are confident with helping people with flawless incursions.
  • Flawless Legendary: You are confident with helping people with flawless legendary missions.
  • Flawless Underground: You are confident with helping people with the flawless Underground in-game commendation.
  • Survival Master: You are confident with helping people get a 10K+ survival run and work on in-game commendations.
  • Resistance Farming: You are confident with helping people farm resistance and help get them classified items.
  • Resistance Endurance: You are confident with helping people get high resistance waves.

* All of these commendations come with ping permissions in their respective queues. You should only use the ping to help one person at a time from the queue and have an experienced team with you that you are confident with if needed.

Other Items of Interest

If you have any further questions regarding Team GC Commendations feel free to reach out to me via DM or a message in my personal Discord Server.

Here are some other articles that you may want to take a look at;

  • Team GC Information
  • SHD Agent Role Information
  • Stream Etiquette

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