Community commendations are tasks that our community members can complete to unlock vanity rewards in our GCROCK Community Discord Server.
- Once members complete the requirements they can request their commendation through our ticketing system under contact us. Members will have to provide evidence of their achievements and follow any guidelines as outlined in this Community Commendation Guide.
- Take Note: If any Team GCROCK member helps you achieve commendations then they can endorse you for them. You will receive a DM from them that you can use as evidence towards any commendation.
- All commendations earned will appear on your Discord profile when members click on your name in the community server. The highest ranked commendation will have its badge appear next to your name in all of your posts to show off.
- Some commendations also unlock priority badges. Priority badges will override the default commendation that appears next to your name on posts. All members will be able to choose one badge from the list of priority badges that they have unlocked to appear next to their name and can change it at any time. To request your priority badge you must request it through the ticketing system.
- The commendations on this page are just locked to our GCROCK Community Server, however, with priority badges you will have them unlocked to show inside any of our servers. In theory you can request a different priority badge per server but you must have unlocked the commendation in order to use it.
- Some community event commendations reward members with “Custom Badges” for a set period. If members earn these they get to create or request their own badge to appear next to their name and name it!
- All commendation badges are subject to change design.
The rest of this article will now guide you through each of our commendations within the GCROCK Community Server. If you are a member of our clan we also have a separate list only for our clan members that is attached to our clan server. We also have commendations in my personal GCROCK server for Team GC.
At the end of this guide I will link all other articles of relevance.
The Division 1

Incursion Master
You must complete all four incursions;
- Falcon Lost
- Clear Sky
- Dragons Nest
- Stolen Signal
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too.

Legendary Master (Div 1)
You must complete all 7 Legendary Missions;
- Times Square Power Relay
- Napalm Production Site
- WarrenGate Power Plant
- Amherst’s Apartment
- Grand Central Station
- Madison Field Hospital
- General Assembly
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too.

Survival Master
You must earn a score of 20k or over in the Survival game mode.
The best way to share proof is video evidence. You can take a photo of your results screen but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the photo too.

The Division Agent
Earn this commendation by completing the whole set for The Division 1;
- Incursion Master
- Legendary Master (Div 1)
- Survival Master
Having the other commendations unlocked in the community will be your proof.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge
The Division 2

Raid & Incursion Master
You must complete both raids and the incursion;
- Dark Hours
- Iron Horse
- Paradise Lost
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too.
* If more raids or Incursions are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Legendary Master (Div 2)
You must complete all 5 Legendary Missions;
- District Union Arena
- Roosevelt Island
- Capital Building
- Manning National Zoo
- Tidal Basin
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too.
* If more legendary missions are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Hunter Slayer
You must kill all secret hunters in DC and New York to collect all 25 masks;
Demon | Crimson | Ghoul | Wraith | Phantom |
Ghost | Specter | Midas | Revenant | Death |
Cross | Diamond | Carbon | Veil | Camo |
Psycho | Paranoid | Trip | Lucky | Neurotic |
Angel | Divide | Drip | Weirdo | Drama |
The best way to share your evidence for this is to go to the Hunter Mask walls and take a photo of a full wall with your name in-game showing also.
* If more secret hunter masks are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Legendary Climb
You must complete all 100 floors of the summit on Legendary difficulty. You must go from floor 1-100 and not repeat any floors unless it is because you wipe. This does not have to be done in one sitting.
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer.

Descent Master
You must defeat the Nemesis in the Descent game mode.
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too.

Watch Level 1000
You must reach watch level 1000
Proof of this is easy with a screenshot as you can capture your watch level and your name in-game.

The Division 2 Agent
Earn this commendation by completing the whole set for The Division 2;
- Raid & Incursion Master
- Legendary Master (DIv 2)
- Hunter Slayer
- Legendary Climb
- Descent Master
- Watch Level 1000
Having the other commendations unlocked in the community will be your proof.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge
Hardcore Agent

Raid & Incursion Hardcore
You must complete both raids and the incursion with a Hardcore Character. Your character must be present for the whole run in each and the team must also be using Hardcore Characters the whole time.
- Hardcore Dark Hours
- Hardcore Iron Horse
- Hardcore Paradise Lost
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage of each raid/incursion must be unedited to count.
* If more raids or Incursions are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Legendary Hardcore
You must complete each Legendary Mission with your Hardcore Character. Your character must be present for the whole run of each mission. If playing with a team they must also be using Hardcore Characters for the whole time.
- District Union Arena
- Roosevelt Island
- Capital Building
- Manning National Zoo
- Tidal Basin
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage of each legendary mission must be unedited to count.
* If more legendary missions are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Dedicated Time
You must reach watch level 1000 with your Hardcore Character.
Proof of this is easy with a screenshot as you can capture your watch level and your name in-game.

Hardcore Agent
Earn this commendation by completing the whole set for Hardcore Agent;
- Raid & Incursion Hardcore
- Legendary Hardcore
- Dedicated Time
Having the other commendations unlocked in the community will be your proof.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge
Rogue Agent

Rogue Agent (Div 1)
Complete every Legendary Mission solo!
- Times Square Power Relay
- Napalm Production Site
- WarrenGate Power Plant
- Amherst’s Apartment
- Grand Central Station
- Madison Field Hospital
- General Assembly
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage of each legendary mission must be unedited to count.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

Rogue Agent (Div 2)
Complete every Legendary Mission solo!
- District Union Arena
- Roosevelt Island
- Capital Building
- Manning National Zoo
- Tidal Basin
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage of each legendary mission must be unedited to count.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge
Flawless Agent

Incursion GrandMaster (Div 1)
You must complete every incursion flawless! This means that you or any squad members cannot go down;
- Flawless Falcon Lost
- Flawless Clear Sky
- Flawless Dragons Nest
- Flawless Stolen Signal
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too. Any video footage must include the full incursion unedited.

Legendary GrandMaster (Div 1)
You must complete every Legendary Mission flawless! This means that you or any squad members cannot go down;
- Flawless Times Square Power Relay
- Flawless Napalm Production Site
- Flawless WarrenGate Power Plant
- Flawless Amherst’s Apartment
- Flawless Grand Central Station
- Flawless Madison Field Hospital
- Flawless General Assembly
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too. Any video footage must include the full legendary mission unedited.

Flawless Underground (Div 1)
The requirements for this commendation are the same as the in-game commendation;
- You must be in a full squad of 4
- World tier 5
- Three Phase Challenging
- 5 Directives
- No squad member can go down throughout
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too. Any video footage must me unedited to count.

Raid & Incursion GrandMaster (Div 2)
You must complete both raids and the incursion flawless. In The Division 2 it is okay to go down, you only lose your flawless run if one of your squad members go unconscious.
- Flawless Dark Hours
- Flawless Iron Horse
- Flawless Paradise Lost
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too. Any video footage must include the full raid/incursion unedited.
* If more raids or incursions are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Legendary GrandMaster (Div 2)
You must complete each Legendary Mission flawless. In The Division 2 it is okay to go down, you only lose your flawless run if one of your squad members go unconscious.
- Flawless District Union Arena
- Flawless Roosevelt Island
- Flawless Capital Building
- Flawless Manning National Zoo
- Flawless Tidal Basin
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage of each legendary mission must be unedited to count.

Descent GrandMaster (Div 2)
You must get a flawless Descent as it requires you to for the in-game commendation;
- You must be in a full squad of four throughout
- You must beat the Nemesis encounter
- No squad members can go down. Going to your knees will cancel the flawless
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too. Any video evidence must include the full run unedited.

Flawless Agent
Earn this commendation by either completing The Division 1 set;
- Incursion GrandMaster (Div 1)
- Legendary GrandMaster (Div 1)
- Flawless Underground (Div 1)
or completing The Division 2 set;
- Raid & Incursion GrandMaster (Div 2)
- Legendary GrandMaster (Div 2)
- Descent GrandMaster (Div 2)
Having the other commendations unlocked in the community will be your proof.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge
The Virtuoso

Incursion Virtuoso (Div 1)
You are required to complete each Incursion back to back with nobody in your aquad going down on Heroic difficulty! This is the ultimate incursion challenge.
- Falcons Lost
- Clear Sky
- Dragons Nest
- Stolen SIgnal
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage has to be unedited and include all four incursions back to back.

Legendary Virtuoso (Div 1)
You must complete every legendary mission back to back with nobody in your squad going down. This is the ultimate legendary challenge!
- Times Square Power Relay
- Napalm Production Site
- WarrenGate Power Plant
- Amherst’s Apartment
- Grand Central Station
- Madison Field Hospital
- General Assembly
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage has to be unedited and include all seven legendary missions back to back.

Resistance Virtuoso (Div 1)
You must beat wave 50 on every map in the Resistance game mode;
- Carrier
- Pier 93
- Powerhouse
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too.

Virtuoso Climb (Div 2)
You must start from floor 1 and complete all 100 floors of the Summit on Legendary while having every Directive switched on! You can only replay floors if you wipe and this does not have to be done in one sitting. This is the ultimate Summit challenge!
The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer.

Raid & Incursion Virtuoso (Div 2)
Also known as my triple threat challenge, you must complete both raids and the incursion back to back with no squad members going down;
- Dark Hours
- Iron Horse
- Paradise Lost
Just to confirm, no agents can go down! This means down to your knees. The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage has to be unedited and include all both raids and the incursion back to back.
* If more raids or incursions are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Legendary Virtuoso (Div 2)
You must complete every legendary mission back to back Flawless. No members of your squad can go unconscious;
- District Union Arena
- Roosevelt Island
- Capital Building
- Manning National Zoo
- Tidal Basin
Just to confirm, downs are okay. You lose your flawless if an agent goes unconscious. The only way to share evidence for this is in video format. I suggest doing it in live streams on Youtube as the evidence stays there. Twitch can work also but they remove your VODs after some time. On Youtube you can also unlist your stream so that only people you share the link to can see it if you prefer. The footage has to be unedited and include all legendary missions back to back.
* If more legendary missions are added in the future they will get added to the requirements but if you already have the commendation it will not effect you!

Descent Virtuoso (Div 2)
Beat Loop 40 in the Descent game mode.
The best way to share proof is video evidence. Screenshots or photos of evidence count but your discord handle or gamer tag must be in the image too.

Time Flies (Div 2)
You must reach watch level 10,000
Proof of this is easy with a screenshot as you can capture your watch level and your name in-game.

Raid Addict (Div 2)
Complete 1000 raids. Completions will count across any raid and any platform that you play on.
Proof of this is easy with a screenshot as you can capture your raid completions in-game.

The Virtuoso
Earn this commendation by either completing The Division 1 set;
- Incursion Virtuoso (Div 1)
- Legendary Virtuoso (Div 1)
- Resistance Virtuoso (Div 1)
or completing The Division 2 set;
- Virtuoso Climb (Div 2)
- Raid & Incursion Virtuoso (Div 2)
- Legendary Virtuoso (Div 2)
- Descent Virtuoso (Div 2)
- Time Flies (Div 2)
- Raid Addict (Div 2)
Having the other commendations unlocked in the community will be your proof.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge
GCROCK & Discord

This commendation is only handed out by myself as a thank you for helping with a piece of content.

You must be a member on any of my Youtube channels or a Subscriber on my Twitch channel for this commendation.
Proof of this can be a screenshot of your membership/subscription.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still a member/subscriber.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

GCROCK Subscriber
You must be subscribed to my GCROCK Youtube Channel.
Proof of this can be a screenshot of you being subscribed.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still subscribed to me.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

GCROCK 2.0 Subscriber
You must be subscribed to my GCROCK 2.0 Youtube Channel.
Proof of this can be a screenshot of you being subscribed.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still subscribed to me.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

GCROCK Community Subscriber
You must be subscribed to my GCROCK Community Youtube Channel.
Proof of this can be a screenshot of you being subscribed.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still subscribed to me.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

GCROCK VODz Subscriber
You must be subscribed to my GCROCK VODz Youtube Channel.
Proof of this can be a screenshot of you being subscribed.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still subscribed to me.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

GCROCK Twitch Follower
You must be following my GCROCK6 Twitch Channel.
Proof of this can be a screenshot of you following.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still following me.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

Gift 5 or more gifted memberships/subscriptions across my Youtube channels or Twitch.
Proof of this can be a screenshot of you gifting the gifts, or you can tell me live in stream what your Discord handle is so I can give you the commendation.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still supporting with gifts.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge

Discord 1 Year Anniversary
Be a member of our main GCROCK Community DIscord for 1 year. If you leave the server and re-join then the timer starts again.
When you request the commendation we can see how long you have been a member. No other proof is needed.

Discord 3 Year Anniversary
Be a member of our main GCROCK Community DIscord for 3 years. If you leave the server and re-join then the timer starts again.
When you request the commendation we can see how long you have been a member. No other proof is needed.

GCROCK Photographer
While helping members of our community, take photos and share them in our main GCROCK Community Discord Server. You must share 10 different sessions where you are helping different members.
There are photo channels for helping with Dark Hours, Iron Horse and Other. This is where the photos need to be shared and your proof will be your posts that you share.

We invented the term FTC and it stands for First Time Clear. For this commendation you must help somebody with their first clear of a raid, incursion, or Legendary Mission.
When we help with the above we share photos in our help photo channels. Your proof will be having your name tagged on a photo where your team helped someone with their FTC.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still helping people with their first time clears.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge. With this badge it will update its title each month and keep count of the all time FTC’s we have helped.

Eagle Bearer
For this commendation you must gift somebody with their first Eagle Bearer. As long as you are in the team when they are gifted it, it will count!
When we help with raids we share photos in our help photo channels. Your proof will be having your name tagged on a photo where your team helped someone get an Eagle Bearer.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still gifting people Eagle Bearers.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge. With this badge it will update its title each month and keep count of the all time Eagle Bearers we have gifted.

For this commendation you must gift somebody with their first Ravenous. As long as you are in the team when they are gifted it, it will count!
When we help with raids we share photos in our help photo channels. Your proof will be having your name tagged on a photo where your team helped someone get a Ravenous.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still gifting people Ravenous.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge. With this badge it will update its title each month and keep count of the all time Ravenous we have gifted.

For this commendation you must gift somebody with their first Ouroboros. As long as you are in the team when they are gifted it, it will count!
When we help with raids we share photos in our help photo channels. Your proof will be having your name tagged on a photo where your team helped someone get a Ouroboros.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still gifting people Ouroboros.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge. With this badge it will update its title each month and keep count of the all time Ouroboros we have gifted.

SHD Agent
This commendation is rewarded to members who have shown that they can follow our rules and guidelines in our Discord Servers.
The role says that you are a community role model and other members know that they are safe when interacting with you.
There are a lot of perks for having this commendation and it can also be lost if you receive any admin warnings. I have written a full article covering this role and how it works.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge. You will lose access to the badge if you lose the commendation/role.

The Second Wave
The commendation is awarded to members who join our clan. You can request the commendation by letting us know which clan you are in and we will be able to check.
* This commendation resets annually and you must request it again each year if you are still a member of The Second Wave.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge.

Team GC
This commendation is for members that join Team GC. You can request this commendation and we will check to confirm it but you will lose it if you leave Team GC.
There is a lot of information about Team GC and how it works so I have written a separate article;
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge.
Community Events

Community Projects
We give our community projects every month in the Discord to work together as a community to achieve. Each month is a new project and members have until the end of each year to complete all 12 projects that we release.
If all 12 projects are completed before the end of the year then a new Priority Badge is unlocked for all community members.

GCROCK League Winner
Every year the GCROCK League runs from March to June. Teams can register in my personal GCROCK server and compete against other teams across the four months. Teams are given various challenges each month and are scored based on their performance.
Your team must win the GCROCK League for this commendation.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge.

GCROCK League Podium
Teams that register for the GCROCK League must finish in the top three of the final table to earn this commendation.
*This commendation unlocks a custom badge. Teams can create or request their own badge to use in our Discord servers for 1 year. Teams can request a custom badge for 1 year every time they finish in the top three of the GCROCK League.

GCROCK League Completionist
Teams that register for the GCROCK League must complete each challenge given across a four month season to earn this commendation.

Fantasy Football Winner
Every year I host a GCROCK Fantasy Football league using the official Premier League website. All members are welcome to join and take part. You must win the league to earn this commendation.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge.

Fantasy Football Podium
You must register for my Fantasy Football League and finish in the top three for this commendation.
*This commendation unlocks a custom badge. Teams can create or request their own badge to use in our Discord servers for 1 year. Teams can request a custom badge for 1 year every time they finish in the top three of the GCROCK Fantasy Football League.

Halloween Event Winner
Every year we will have a community event for Halloween. Events can range from photo contests, speedrun contests, endurance contests and much more. You must keep an eye out for our community announcement each year as to what the event will entail.
This commendation is rewarded for winning one of our Halloween Events.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge.

Halloween Event Podium
You must finish in the top three of a Halloween Event for this commendation.
*This commendation unlocks a custom badge. Teams can create or request their own badge to use in our Discord servers for 1 year. Teams can request a custom badge for 1 year every time they finish in the top three of a GCROCK Halloween Event.

Christmas Event Winner
Every year we will have a community event for Christmas. Events can range from photo contests, speedrun contests, endurance contests and much more. You must keep an eye out for our community announcement each year as to what the event will entail.
This commendation is rewarded for winning one of our Christmas Events.
* This commendation will also unlock as a Priority Badge.

Christmas Event Podium
You must finish in the top three of a Christmas Event for this commendation.
*This commendation unlocks a custom badge. Teams can create or request their own badge to use in our Discord servers for 1 year. Teams can request a custom badge for 1 year every time they finish in the top three of a GCROCK Christmas Event.
Other Articles of Interest
This brings us to the end of our commendation guide for the GCROCK Community server. As stated at in the introduction we also have commendations for our TSW clan and Team GCROCK. Below are some links to other articles that cover these and more;
- The Second Wave
- The Second Wave Commendations
- Team GC
- Team GC Roles & Commendations
- SHD Agent Role Information
- Community Events
How about those players who have played through both raids with tsw raid group before these changes? Do all of them automatically get that FTC Commendations or how does it work?
Sorry for the delay in this response. Website is still under construction so I haven’t been keeping tabs on the comments. Just seen this today. To answer your question, all commendations will be retroactive so if you have done something already you will be able to request it. There needs to be proof of this. In terms of current commendations in the community I will be automatically taking those into account as we do the change, so if an old community trophy is a requirement for the new commendation you will already have it.